
We're Back!

It's been way too long. Please excuse our lengthy blogging hiatus, we have been crazybusy. Let me share with you what's been happening over here since you last heard from us.

First, I started school on August 17th. Huzzah! Go elementary school! I spent the first few weeks of August keeping myself busy making xylophone visuals, bulletin boards, and lesson plans. Now that the prepping is (mostly) done, all I have to worry about is teaching. Ha...

Then my beautiful friend Katie got married in Minnesota; it just so happened to be the same weekend we were supposed to move. Thankfully we were able to push our move-out date back so we could go. Her wedding was absolutely gorgeous and I was so glad to be there. Congratulations again to you both.

THEN we moved on the Monday after that. Luckily we were smart enough this time around to hire a few guys for the heavy stuff (best decision of my life, let me tell you). We spent about a week after that trying to get ourselves moved/cleaned out of our old home, which took longer than expected.

Ok. Now to our current status.

We have been working on our new place ever since our move-in date, and I'm not kidding, it literally looks the exact same. Ok fine, I moved a few pieces of furniture around. That's about it. Slowly but surely, that's our motto over here.

Can I show you a few pictures? These are the pictures I quickly snapped the day we moved in. Please excuse the blurry kitchen photos; I was getting yelled at by the movers for being in the middle of the room with my camera.

The three photos above are of the living space and office area. Probably my favorite part of the apartment as of now.

The dining room, also a great room with lots of light. You can see that the living and dining rooms are connected in the photo above.

These two pictures are of the guest room, which is right off the dining room. I can't wait to show you the furniture that's in here right now...I pretty much screamed when I saw it being unloaded out of the U-Haul (it was my grandpa's). Come stay with us!

Eye-sore refrigerator.

Bathroom, which is turning out to be better than expected.

Our bedroom. Not much to say about it yet except that there's an amazing dresser on that wall that I want to show you asap. Another one of Grandpa's pieces.

Again, sorry for the blurriness. But BEHOLD! The marvels of a modern kitchen!

The other awkward side of the kitchen.

And the pantry.

We're going to call these the Before Pictures, because we can. If you don't care about our apartment, just close this window and move on with your day. I guess I should have said that before I posted the 20 pictures above. Meh. More below.

Now, just for fun, let me show you the beautiful project my husband took on this week:

Oooh, some delicious grease on the top of the cabinets. Nice and sticky.

After using Lysol and a putty knife, it's getting better...

Isn't he a cutie up there? I hope you like our attempt at keeping our kitchen clean, like it really helped...

This picture makes me want to die.

This one too. Here you are, the loveliness that came off the top of the cabinets. Sorry, probably should have given you a warning.

At least, if nothing else, we were able to cook our first meal in our new home last weekend: pancakes. I hope there are more homemade meals coming soon, although I can't promise any quite yet. We have to get rid of the centipedes first...



Susan Ferrell said...

it's amazing, and makes me smile, cause I so remember doing the same things with Glenn way back when. Lived in Rogers Park: third floor walk up, and I didn't mind. It was great. Love reigns! !

Cassandra Plummer said...

Looks Beautiful!! It is so bright and sunny.

Brooke said...

ha! you make me laugh!

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